Frets On Fire X Themes

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We'll never share your email with anyone. Frets On Fire × Sign up in order. Frets on Fire is a music playing video game. It is playable on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and GNU/Linux.The player presses buttons in time to coloured markers, which appear on-screen, the markers are matched with the rhythm of the music.

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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Worldrave's Guitar Hero 3 Theme for FoFiX=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

NOTICE:Certain things can't be done the right way until further coding is added to allow me to.
And this is always going to be WIP until everything code wise is completed

The ending results will be as close to perfect as possible. You couldn't meet someone any more of a perfectionist then me. The more things that get coded in to FoFiX, the closer that allows me to get. So far, quite a number of images, if not the majority, are pixel-perfect images i am using from all the graphics I ripped from GH3. Some had to be slightly stretched a little, and then once the code (Value X + Value Y) for certain files is changed, I will redo that image or graphic. It's VERY IMPORTANT to know that a good bit of all the graphics have to actually be hand pieced back together to make the image, since in GH3, the game does all this on the fly. So A LOT of time is spent doing this. There are more then 1,500 graphics images total, which is more or less like working with a 1,500 piece Jigsaw puzzle, as most pieces have to be properly pieced together to get each final image you actually see. As well as most of the fonts I've made myself from scratch, using a font maker program. So the bottom line is, YES i know pretty much every thing that needs to be done to be perfect, i just might need to wait til the code gets added to allow me to do it the right way, I am pretty much always working on it here and there.
Here's some screenshots!!

Main Menu
Song Selection Section
Co-Op Screen Section
Difficulty Selection Section
Loading Phrases Screen

Frets On Fire Songs

Pause Menu
In Game Shot
Co_op Gameplay ScreenThemes
Failed Screen

Frets On Fire Website

Options Screen
Game Results Screen
YouTube Video of FoF GH3 in action.

Frets On Fire Wiki

WorldRave's 'Guitar Hero 3' Theme
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Frets on fire x
Requirements: 'FoFiX 3.120 Final'.
Guitar Hero III Theme (Rapidshare)Themes
Guitar Hero III Theme (Mediafire)